March 1
Youll need a map and a clear day for this one , about 9 miles although you could shorten it by not dropping down to the gorge above watergap river . You could also Give the Cairn at Knochshee a shout if weather good. This is not a good route for dogs as usually lots of sheep.
Change of format for number 2 .
This is a slightly altered version of the Loughshannagh Horseshoe Hill and dale race .
Rather than a route which seemed to present Mr Sweeney with technical issues I am giving waypoints .
1 Ott car Park
2 Style on mourne wall
3 East side of wall near summit S Loughshannagh
4 Summit Doan
5 Shelter
6 Southern edge Loughshannagh
7 Summit Carn
8 Ott Car Park
As always and especially this time of year. Map whistle compass , phone , full body cover and preferably dont go alone . Mr Boyle might not thank me for this one .